How Corporate houses can keep Employees Happy?


How Corporate houses can keep Employees Happy?

The ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ is more than just an amazing movie; it is something we all are searching for. Be it personal or professional life, all of us just want to be happy. When it comes to corporate work environment, a healthy work-life balance is very important for keeping employees happy. Multiple HR surveys have revealed a simple fact – ‘happy employees are the most loyal employees.’

Here is why companies should keep their employees happy.

Appreciate the success of your employees

Everyone likes to be appreciated. While it is important to give instructions to employees, companies should also make efforts to congratulate them on their progress. The rule should always be: criticise in private but appreciate in public. When an employee does good work, make sure you acknowledge their contribution both verbally and via mail. Doing it in the presence of the rest of the team is even better. On special events like birthdays and work anniversaries, the HR should remember to wish them with a gift. It can be anything, a token of appreciation to mention that ‘we value you.’  

Organize team-building activities

An important aspect of keeping employees happy is to keep them invested in the company. While meaningful work responsibilities play a key role in this, personal friendships also go a long way in forming workplace attachments. HR teams must take initiatives to encourage team bonding among employees. Companies can organize a corporate weekday picnic at Country Roads holiday resort in Kolkata. With vast acres of green lawns and modern amenities, the resort is an ideal venue for a corporate picnic. Companies can organize cricket matches or fun outdoor games at the open grounds of the resort. Employees may also engage in adventure activities like archery, rifle shooting, trampoline jumping, rope course, friendship ladder, and more. Playing these fun games can encourage healthy bonding among the teams & the team members.

Know your employees

If companies want employees to go far and beyond for work, organizations should also go the extra mile for their employees. Managers and team leaders should have a connection with their subordinates. Ask them about their health, families, likes, and dislikes. While it is not possible for the entire office, smaller teams can go for a team outing on a monthly or quarterly basis. Enjoy a sumptuous lunch at Country Roads resort in Kolkata and form better connections with your employees. This will give the bosses a better idea of whether an employee is happy or not.

Encourage work life balance

For a happy and content life, employees must find a perfect balance between your personal life and professional commitments. Too much work pressure can leave an employee tired and exhausted, both mentally and physically. Organizations shall always encourage and support their employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Organizing weekday corporate picnics is one way. Planning the picnic on a weekday rather than a weekend means that the company does not encroach on their employees’ personal time.

‘A happy employee is not a myth’. Companies just need to take some small steps and they can ensure a happy and positive working environment for their employees. An annual corporate retreat at Country Roads resort in Kolkata is one fine solution to keep employees in a good mood.